

  • Increase your group’s awareness of the street layouts and locations of existing facilities within your community
  • Produce a large map that highlights where the most logical and sensible places for new housing development might be


  • Identifying and mapping neighbourhood elements such as locations of main routes, shops, schools and waterways on a map of the area
  • Using this to locate on a map areas that are unsuitable for new development, and those that could be suitable
  • Reviewing the Principles for Good Placemaking and refining them for your area

Things you will need

  • Large-scale Ordinance Survey maps (1:2500 and 1:5000 scale) of the local area and constraints plans that can be drawn on
  • coloured felt-tip pens
  • stickers
  • masking tape
  • blue-tack
  • ever-important refreshments

You will need to log in or register to view the full BIMBY Toolkit.


2a Walkable Catchment Analysis
2b Possible Development Areas
2c Principles for Good Placemaking

Section resources